Welcome and thank you for your support! I am a weightlifting coach, a NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and a certified nutrition coach. I work with women - just women - because this is where my skills make the most impact.
I grew up around boys, men and athletics. I was in the military and went through Special Operations training. It was made painfully obvious to me, not only were there very few women doing what I was doing, but there was no information about weightlifting or strength training given to me during my first 20 years on this planet - because I was a girl.
The guys I trained with all had some kind of knowledge about how to build muscle, lift weights, good lifting ”form” and what protein powders to take and when.
Me? I had, “Weights will make you bulky.” Oh, and I didn’t know much about my hormonal cycle, let alone that it had a HUGE impact in my performance.
Over a decade later I make my living teaching women how to fine tune their nutrition and fitness, not only to achieve their aesthetic goals, but bring more control and balance to their hormonal cycle - ultimately to their life.
I specialize in fitness and nutrition during transitions of women's lives: fertility, pregnancy, postpartum, perimenopause and menopause. All of these times have different needs from your health program and I am determined to get that information out there.
Helping the nutrition and fitness of one new mom can potentially help the nutrition and fitness of two or three generations.
One teen girl sharing lifting tips about syncing strength training cycles with menstrual cycles can change how the other 40 girls on the team approach their future health habits.
One woman using diet intervention to cure fibroids, endometriosis, menopause symptoms or PCOS can inspire 5 co-workers to reject harmful medications and look at what they are eating.
Women have great power and calm when they know what is going on in their bodies and how to work with it. And who doesn’t want to be around a calm, strong, healthy, capable and feminine woman?
I train women to be stronger, fitter, more lighthearted and a positive influence on the people around them.
Oh, and I REALLY love my work!
Sending love and good vibes
Prost, Coach Ingri

Unique Highlights and Qualifications
One of few women to serve and train in US Navy Special Operations, EOD
Bachelors of Science in Kinesiology
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) from the NSCA
Certified Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach
CrossFit Level 2 Trainer
Certified Prenatal & Postpartum Strength Coach
Educated in Physical Therapy and injury rehabilitation under the wing of noted DPT and Olympic athlete
International coaching experience in Europe, India and United States
Services endorsed by Department of Obstetrics at the historical Charité University Hospital in Berlin, Germany
Private, personal and baby friendly studio in Summerlin, Las Vegas, Nevada
Pretty good dancer